Why Men are Comfortable and What To Do About It.
We are living in a society where men are starting to neglect many areas of their life such as personal hygiene, finances, health, and most importantly their purpose in life. There are many marriages ending and women are becoming more rebellious towards the male gender because of these particular actions. Being a male I am a huge believer of being about your purpose and never remaining complacent in life. There are a variety of reasons as to why we are seeing men in decline especially in the year 2020.
Reason #1 Fitness/Health:
Men are not motivated to stay in shape and this is something very concerning for our gender. What makes us men is our strength, we are meant to hunt, run, and have the ability to defend our families if needed. The magical hormone called testosterone is what makes a men masculine, ambitious, motivated, and confident. Sadly in the western civilization with so many fast food chains, smoking, drinking, and excessive porn usage is destroying men. Being physically fit has numerous benefits such as higher levels of testosterone, attraction from the opposite sex, more confidence and most importantly being able to handle physical altercations accordingly. I can never stress enough how learning to box and building muscle has changed my life. In order to make change we must develop self awareness.